archeology, anthropology and man's origins, this will be a most interesting trip because it was from this area in central Asia, that the ancestors of all of us originally came. Some experts say that the peoples of the laranian plateau moved over the moun- tains into central Asia and the plateau of Tibet. There they stayed during the ensuing ice age. When it warmed up, their increasing population drove them back over the mountains to the plains of Iran and then into the middle east, Egypt and beyond, on the one side, and out into the broad areas of what is now southern Russia and into central Europe. So my trip will get back to the area where we all began. Suf- fice to say that it is going to be a marvelous trip.

You will be interested to know that we have been admon- ished to wear dark colored slacks and to avoid bright colors and too much jewelry, as dresses, bright colors and self adorn- ment are not standard practice in China, particularly in the more rural areas where we will be going. They further advise that we do not wear high heels and forget evening dresses. What a dull place for a TV!

Before I sign off, Ihave to tell you of an amusing experi- ence I recently had. I went into a hospital in Santa Barbara to have a little surgery on my upper lids. While I was at it, I talked to the surgeon and decided to have the point shaved off of my Adams apple. Well, although the eyes could have been done in the office, the larynx had to be done under general anesthesia so I wouldn't swallow during the cutting. This meant the hospital. I entered and was checked into a room for two patients. The bed next to me was occupied by a woman of perhaps 50 or 55. Since the surgery didn't take place until later, I was lying there perfectly conscious and it soon came to nine O'Clock. I asked my room-mate if she would turn to chan- nel five as I would like to watch Phil Donahue. She said that was fine, that she liked to watch him, too. Then she asked me if I had watched the show when they had the transvestite as a guest. Well, I had watched Ariadne Kane of Fantasia Fair fame, when she was on, and they had a couple of Ts's on, too, which the public is likely to mix up with Tv's. So I asked her about the person who was on the program. "Oh", she said, "he was dressed up like a lady and he and his girl friend went out shop- ping and they went into the ladies room and everything. My
